The series is produced by Marvel Television in collaboration with ABC Studios, including Dcanite Productions for the first season and Goddard Textiles for the first and second seasons. It is founded in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), which shares consistency with the franchise’s films, and is the first in the series of shows that lead The Defenders Crossover Minisarees.
Marvel’s Daredevil, or Bus Daredevil, is an American television series made by Drew Goddard for streaming service Netflix, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Series Information: Series Name: Marvel’s Daredevil Release:TV Series (2015–2020) Quality: WEB-DL 480p 150MB and 720p 250MB Running Time: 54min Language: Dual Audio Hindi-English Type: Action, Crime, Drama Encoded By: moviesrush